
The Quest For Infamy Companion - Art/Strategy/Hint Book

Created by Steven "Blackthorne" Alexander

A fully illustrated art book and strategy guide and hint book - complete with decoder window - for Infamous Quest's "Quest For Infamy!"

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Book Update
over 9 years ago – Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 11:30:36 PM

Hey guys!

Just a quick note for you, as I got a couple inquiries - we did a test print of the book, and we had to re-edit and adjust some things because of a printing problem, which has delayed the printing of the book - but they are on their way now (corrected), and as soon as they get in, they're going out - I have a whole bunch of mailers and labels ready to be filled and sent out. 

I'm hoping to have the digital version of the book available for download very soon, as well, so those who ordered that can get that ASAP. 

The book looks really great, I have to say - the art looks just gorgeous in color and on the glossy high test paper we chose.

When they start being mailed out, I will post another update.  Hope everyone is well - and have a Happy Halloween, unless you're in Australia as Klytos says it's not a real holiday there!!


The Companion, at long last, goes to press!
over 9 years ago – Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 06:52:46 PM

Hey guys!  Update here!

At long last, the QFI Companion will go to press in it's final form!  We've had a busy last few months, with the production of our three new games (QFI: Roehm to Ruin, The Order of the Thorne - The King's Challenge and OotT: The Fortress of Fire) but Broomie managed to put in the time, care and attention to finishing up the companion to Quest for Infamy.  We've jam packed it full of information, behind the scenes tid-bits, beautifully reproduced artwork in full color and an amazing hint section.

Making a book is difficult, especially when you have a small team working on it!  We had a few technical difficulties in formatting the book for the printer we're using - and that took a lot of testing, trial and error and extra late nights working on it.  Last week, we finally got our test proof for the book!

The book, in all its glory.
The book, in all its glory.
Another shot of the cover.
Another shot of the cover.
Inside the Book
Inside the Book
Artwork from Quest For Infamy
Artwork from Quest For Infamy
Full maps of The Valley of Krasna!
Full maps of The Valley of Krasna!

There were a couple of small errors, and a color printing problem with the red-reveal section.  We've re-tooled that for the printing process, and now, it should work much better! 

The unfortunately misprinted red-reveal page
The unfortunately misprinted red-reveal page
New Red Reveal Design
New Red Reveal Design

Other than these minor changes, the book is ready and now going to the presses!  The book looks amazing in hand - I've been showing it to friends and family, beaming, because our artists works look so amazing in print.  The book is nice and large, and is a real testament not only to the team who made QFI come to life, but to all of you too.

The back
The back

I should be receiving several large shipments of books in about three weeks, they tell me, and as soon as they come in to me, they go out to you.  I hope this book finds a place in your collection - and even on a coffee table.  I hope someday guests and friends flip through the book, look at the pictures and ask "What is this?" and you can say, "Oh, it's a video game I helped make a few years ago." and smile, like a boss.

Thank you so much!  I'll be in touch very soon!

As always, any questions, comments, funny pictures or bad jokes, please feel free to drop me a line or an email - [email protected]


Hello backers!
over 9 years ago – Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 06:12:54 PM

Hey there adventure friends!

Some of you may have seen yesterday's update on our Quest for Infamy Kickstarter, some may not have - but I just wanted to update you too!

The Companion is done!! James "Broomie" Broom has really done an amazing job compiling and editing the book in the past few months, and though it's taken longer than we would have liked, I think we're offering a classy book here!  We'll be getting the proof from the publisher very soon, and if everything looks AOK after that, it goes to press, gets sent to me - and I send it our to you!! Digital Copies will be made available before the physical releases reach doorsteps, so if you have that option, you'll be seeing it very soon!

When the packages go out, I will post an update labeled "COMPANION SHIPPED!" and you can start waiting by your mailboxes with amazing anticipation.  If any of you are going to be doing that, let me know and I'll mail a snack with your book because you'll probably be hungry. (I am kidding.)

Thank you so much for your patience - it's amazing that we got this done with such a small crew working so hard, amongst all the other things we all have going on.  I really have to thank James for stepping up to the plate and creating the book when plans for another graphic designer fell through.  He did an amazing job, and I'm including some preview pages on this update! The hint section, with decoder sections, and the charts and tables in the back are pretty amazing - they give you all the QFI information you could ever want!

Here's to adventure, folks - both in games and in life.  This, for us, has been both and we've been blessed with some of the greatest backers (and now friends) in the whole damn universe, I can tell you that.

We'll see ya soon!!


Kickstarter Launched for Order of The Thorne & QFI: Roehm to Ruin!!
almost 10 years ago – Sat, Apr 04, 2015 at 05:38:28 PM

Hey friends and backers!

We've just launched the Kickstarter for The Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge and Quest For Infamy: Roehm to Ruin! I talked about this in our last update, but the launch is here!

Click the image above to go to the Kickstarter, or click the link below!

Your support has meant so much to all of us at Infamous Quests, and I do hope we see some familiar faces back for our upcoming games!  Thank you so much for all the support you've already given us.  I can't say it enough.


Shipping Dates for Physical Rewards/End of an Era
almost 10 years ago – Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 06:32:26 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.